Friday, January 23, 2009

JP's Man Cave has come alive!

It is is finally here. Now, if we could just figure out how to use the fancy new remote control. Fortunately, we have John's dad on speed dial :)

Pool table for Gordie...

John's uncle, Goride, emailed us this past weekend with grave concern, "Where is the pool table located in the new house?" Gordie, and his wife (John's aunt), Bonnie, live just outside of Chicago plays in a pool league almost daily. So when Goride and Bonnie come for a visit, it is important, understandably, that he keep up his skills. After all, we wouldn't want him to return home to his buddies and be out of "shape"! Sooo... Goride, these pictures are for you! The room, located upstairs across from John's "man cave", is still in the works, but we do know that the pool table will stay where it is and is ready for your next visit.

Speaker's Installed ...

And the man cave installation begins....

Monday, January 12, 2009

Annie feels jipped ...

My friend, Annie, feels jipped. She feels like she has been a loyal blog reader and now that we are in the house I have stopped posting pictures. I tell her it is because it is not ready for pictures as we don't have everything in its place and I am still moving things around. She doesn't like that answer. So just for you, Annie, here is a picture of our fridge. It is new and I can tell you that it is in its place and will not be moved. The wine on top of the fridge ... we'll I can't guarentee that that will stay!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

And the list go on...

Just so I have this written down somewhere:
  • Dining room table - damage so bad, it has to be reordered and redelivered
  • Bedroom furniture - 3 of the 4 pieces have scratched on them; replacements on order
  • Couch - came in wrong fabric; 3 months re-order
  • Alarm system - missing key fabs; need to reschedule install
  • Phone line - installed incorrectly

Sunday, January 4, 2009

He said he could do it ...

John's main goal going into this week was to make sure the garage was all set up and we could park all three cars in there. Well, tonight he did it!

We're in!

6 trips to Lowe's, 32 loads of laundry, 4 dimmer switches, 5 SUV's, 206 feet of shelving paper, 3 midnight dumpster runs, 96 boxes, 1 broken light, 7 pairs of hands and one happy family!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Moving Day ...

John and I were fortunate enough to have a ton of help on our move from our parents and John's sister, Michelle. Here are a few pictures of us sealing the tile floor, lining the cabinet shelves and even moving mattresses after our movers over packed and wanted to charge us double for another run.

We're Homeowners!

It's offical! John and I made our first BIG purchase together.