Thursday, December 30, 2010

Strikes & Gutters

John’s best friend, Jeff, has a tag line that we find ourselves repeating every now and again: “Strikes and gutters.” I always laugh when he says this because it is normally associated with a shoulder shrug and a raised beer pint. As I reflect on our past year, I can’t help but have the same notions.

Strikes: landed a great job at a fabulous company, great trips to Hawaii, North Carolina, Chicagox2, Lexington, Louisville, Nashville, Paducah, New York Cityx2, bought a new car, finished off furnishings to our now 2 year old home, wonderful neighbors and friends, Michelle (my sister in law) college graduation, Bob (my brother-in-law) wedding, sucessful surgeries, our sweet Stella growing up and learning new tricks every day, the engagement of our closest friends, many new additions to our closest friends and the general happiness of all those who mean the most to us.

Gutters: my father’s affair, subsequent move in with his mistress and now divorce of my parents, illnesses of our family members, my dearest, best friend’s alcoholism that has lead to the dissolution of our friendship and the strain on others.

Gutter: 2010

Strike: 2011!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Stella is one!

We can't believe that a whole year has flown by with Stella in our lives! We celebrated with peanut butter puppy ice cream for her and a round of Stella's (beer) for us. Here are some of the highlights in pictures:

Seriously, you put me in a hat!?

Yum! Puppy peanut butter ice cream!

It was a "ruff" party!

Monday, August 16, 2010

The other woman...

After 39 years of marriage, my father stepped outside of his marriage and the vows he promised to my mom and God. He moved out and in with her the day before we were told. She, a divorcee of 3 years, is 68 (who looks well into her 70's in my opinion) and lives in Austin. They met at a UT class. She needed someone to talk to about her daughter’s melanoma scare. Funny, he didn’t attend ONE of my doctor’s appointments when I had melanoma tumors removed from my back as a little girl – digressing again. My mom is one year into her retirement after 40 years of a dedicated career to the school system and saving all of her life for what were to be the “glory years”.

Three weeks ago my mom got a strange feeling – why is he drying his hair at 5AM to take myself and John to the airport? 6 months of phone records revealed her worst fear. She pursued him in the beginning and it took off from there. The records showed their contrived phone calls early in the morning and clearly when their rendezvous would take place - mid-afternoon - and then he would come home to my mom – kiss, hug her and pretend that nothing was going on. His own sick fantasy. How long would it have gone on before he would fess up we wonder? My mom called her from his phone and she emphatically said, “Hi!” To which my mother responded, “Hi! You have been calling my husband. What is the nature of your relationship with him?” Cowardly, she responded, “Sorry you have the wrong number.” A returned phone call went straight to voicemail. This person knows what she has done is wrong and won’t even give my mom the respect of admitting wrong, but then again she clearly has no respect for herself, marriage or the implications of her actions.

One of the calls was on the morning of our anniversary. We met my parents at church and then went to brunch where he pontificated on the years of marriage and what we should learn from them. How can someone do that when just 4 hours earlier you are talking to your mistress?

So we will rebuild and move on – without him. So many questions that will never be answered, so much pain to deal with, so much hate to battle, so much he will miss out on. May God have mercy on both of their souls. Let evil find each other and stay out of our lives!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Maui was Wow-ie!

John and I recently returned from what we are dubbing our "second" honeymoon, a week in Maui. This past spring, while doing some daunting yard work, I asked John, "If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?" He responded, "Maui". I, subsequently responded, "Bora, Bora." Randomly the following week one of our preferred hotel's emailed out a special on room nights in Maui, so I started checking into it. Side note - John's USA Today newspaper at the hotel he was staying at for work was highlighting Bora Bora. A sign? I think so!

A great deal, coupled with my 30th birthday, we decided Maui it was! We spent a week on the island hiking to waterfalls, snorkeling, snuba-ing, shopping, walking the beaches and of course drinking one or two of those yummy tropical drinks with cute umbrellas in them.

Here's my top 10 list of the trip:
10.85 degree weather - we went there to cool off from the Texas heat!
9.Edamame puree dip - try it, you'll love it!
8.Not getting sunburned!
7. Polynesian Luau at The Grand hotel
6. Fresh warm banana bread from a hut on the road to Hana
5.The colorful flowers everywhere that smelled fantastic
4.Sunsets every night from our fabulous balcony
3.Being upgraded to a deluxe suite 25 feet from the ocean upon check-in.
2. A floating cabana over the infinity edge pool that looks at the Pacific Ocean all day the day of my birthday
1. No ESPN Sports Center on the TV!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Stella - OCD?

As many of you know, I am a self diagnosed OCD'er. I can not move past picture frames (hung or displayed) crookedly, same goes for unfolded blankets, potted plants etc. The biggest obstacle for me is pillows. Something about pillows being "out of order" drives me nuts!

Ever since Stella was a tiny pup, she has navigated away from messing with the pillows on the couch as well as our bed. Last night I found her here:

Notice that not one of the pillows on our bed is out of place (well maybe the one in the back, but whatevs)! Way to go Stella - you're a mommies girl - I knew it!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

We made it!

As we celebrate our first anniversary of marriage this weekend, I reflect on the past year. Not unlike anyone else, we saw a lot of ups and downs, times of uncertainty and times of celebration over the past year. We are stronger for all experiences we have had so far and are loving the path we are on. We made it!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Loving my job!

I am one of those rare people in life who has always known what they wanted to do in life - event planning - and I am still doing it and loving it! I work for an amazing company that is thriving in this downturn - which makes things super fun! They have restored my belief in the workplace, in people and that you should do what you love and love what you do - no exceptions. What a difference 6 months makes! Here is video highlight of our latest project:

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What a difference 8 months makes!

Stella at 8 weeks:

Stella at 8 months:

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Stella looks...

Stella has an excellent way of making me feel very guilty for leaving her in the mornings (although she does go to doggie day care on Tuesdays and Thursdays). These are the looks I get on Monday's and Wednesday's:

And on Friday's when John is home, I get it from BOTH of them:

Also, Stella graduated from advanced puppy training last night. Sadly, my SIM card in my camera broke and I lost all of the pics :(

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Stella really loves her bones!

Did I mention that Stella REALLY LOVES her bones lately!?

John's new ride!

Last month, after 307,000 miles, John's tahoe was finally ready to be retired. A bitter sweet situation as you will recall from my previous post when he hit 300,000 miles.

We searched high and low, compared and test drove many different types of cars, but we settled on another Tahoe. I mean, if they last for 300,000+ miles, why not?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Did he really just say that, again!?

Scene: Stella is sniffing and trying to dig around John's wire baskets in our closet and then sneezes.

John: We need to pull out those baskets and vacuum behind them.
Me: OK, I'll tell the maid. Maybe Juan can help her pull the baskets out?
John: Oh, did you find a house cleaner?
Me: Nope! It's still me and you are Juan!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Vizsla Club of Austin

We joined the Vizsla club of Austin before we officially became a Vizsla owner. Why you ask? Well, I am neurotic and needed to inquire and talk to everyone I possibly could about having a Vizsla before I could totally commit. 7 months later, I am so glad we did.

This past Sunday we attended out first outing with the club on a beautiful ranch on a fantastic Sunday (weather was almost in the 80's). Stella meet up with her sister, Zippty and found a boyfriend, Jack! She was a pretty busy girl, let me tell you!

Stella & Jack sneaking off for a "moment"

Jack & Stella

She would not give up that stick!

Her sister, Zippity!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Art of Communication

Me: John, why do I have to repeat everything to you twice?
John: What?
Me: *Sigh* Why do I have to repeat everything to you twice. Like I just did. It is so frustrating!
John: Because everything you say is precious, and I want to hear it twice.
Me: What!? Did you really just say that?!
John: Smiles and walks off.
Me: Left more frusted than I started off being!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It snows in Austin!

Today we got a wonderful surprise - SNOW!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Stella Graduates!

After 8 weeks of attending weekly puppy training classes at our local PetSmart, Stella graduated! In fact, our entire class passed and we are all moving onto the next level of training. We are so excited for her!

Her favorite trick these days - giving 'high fives':

Monday, January 11, 2010

Welcome Lola!

Stella has a new BFF! My bestie, Nik, rescued this cutie yesterday. She has named her Lola. We can't wait to meet you, Lola!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Hook 'Em!

Avid college football fans, we watched our final game last night at our favorite watering hole. Despite our attempts to doing everything that we did in 2005, when the Longhorns brought home a national championship title, we were unable to repeat the success. Like John always says in regards to the Cubs, "there is always next year". Hook 'em!