Monday, March 22, 2010

Did he really just say that, again!?

Scene: Stella is sniffing and trying to dig around John's wire baskets in our closet and then sneezes.

John: We need to pull out those baskets and vacuum behind them.
Me: OK, I'll tell the maid. Maybe Juan can help her pull the baskets out?
John: Oh, did you find a house cleaner?
Me: Nope! It's still me and you are Juan!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Vizsla Club of Austin

We joined the Vizsla club of Austin before we officially became a Vizsla owner. Why you ask? Well, I am neurotic and needed to inquire and talk to everyone I possibly could about having a Vizsla before I could totally commit. 7 months later, I am so glad we did.

This past Sunday we attended out first outing with the club on a beautiful ranch on a fantastic Sunday (weather was almost in the 80's). Stella meet up with her sister, Zippty and found a boyfriend, Jack! She was a pretty busy girl, let me tell you!

Stella & Jack sneaking off for a "moment"

Jack & Stella

She would not give up that stick!

Her sister, Zippity!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Art of Communication

Me: John, why do I have to repeat everything to you twice?
John: What?
Me: *Sigh* Why do I have to repeat everything to you twice. Like I just did. It is so frustrating!
John: Because everything you say is precious, and I want to hear it twice.
Me: What!? Did you really just say that?!
John: Smiles and walks off.
Me: Left more frusted than I started off being!