Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What a difference 8 months makes!

Stella at 8 weeks:

Stella at 8 months:

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Stella looks...

Stella has an excellent way of making me feel very guilty for leaving her in the mornings (although she does go to doggie day care on Tuesdays and Thursdays). These are the looks I get on Monday's and Wednesday's:

And on Friday's when John is home, I get it from BOTH of them:

Also, Stella graduated from advanced puppy training last night. Sadly, my SIM card in my camera broke and I lost all of the pics :(

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Stella really loves her bones!

Did I mention that Stella REALLY LOVES her bones lately!?

John's new ride!

Last month, after 307,000 miles, John's tahoe was finally ready to be retired. A bitter sweet situation as you will recall from my previous post when he hit 300,000 miles.

We searched high and low, compared and test drove many different types of cars, but we settled on another Tahoe. I mean, if they last for 300,000+ miles, why not?