Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rub-a-dub-dub, Stella's in the tub!

Since we are still trying to figure out our routine with Stella and I am not exactly sure what to do first in the morning - walk her, then get ready or vice versa - I put her in tub until I figure it out.

I'm in love!

Last night I walked upstairs to John's man cave to this sight:

Stella had fallen asleep on top of John's head. After I took the picture she moved into this position.

I'm in love!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Stella is home!

Stella is home and we are tired! We picked up Stella on Friday after work in Hearne, Texas (about 2.5 hours from Austin). We got home late, but did our best to acclimate her to her new home - outside, her crate, downstairs. The night was even longer as she made it through 2.5 hours at a time in her crate. John and I took turns letting her out and laying with her as she would fall asleep. I read about this in my Puppies for Dummies Book (yes, yes I am serious), but I am not exactly sure I am up for this continued routine!

Saturday morning started with a trip to our vet, whom we love. As par my usual, I came equipped with my trusty notebook of questions for him to answer and patiently he answered every single one of them. A few shots and we were out of there and onto our favorite dog boutique - Dog-a-dilo - for a new collar. The weather in Austin on Saturday was perfect (75 - sunny and not a cloud in the sky) so we spent most of the day outside watching her run around and play. John did very well on running her down because (and ever so conveniently) she would sleep during the football games and only want to go out at half time and end of the game. Hmmm ... I wonder how he did that!?

Here is a video of Stella playing catch with John as well as a very pictures from our journey thus far. Enjoy!


Thursday, October 8, 2009

100,000 miles!

I pulled out of our neighborhood this morning with Johnny Cash's "I've been everywhere, man" playing in my car. This song prompted me to look down at my dash board and see what my mileage was. To my surprise, 99,999.

This made me to not only get out my camera, but to also take a quick jog down memory lane. April 27,2002 is when I made (at that time) the biggest purchase of my life - my brand new nissian xterra. I had just graduated college 5 months earlier, had a good entry level job, my own apartment - you know livin' the life - except for the fact that I was driving my dad's old ford explorer which he wanted back (and just recently got rid of - seriously the car went for 7 more years!) that had no a/c, needed new tires, brakes, no radio and window's that would no longer would stay up. My dad said, "It is time to either take back your old volvo (which was far worse then the explorer) or get a new car, because come Monday, the explorer is mine again." My reality: I couldn't afford to get the explorer fixed and the volvo was on it's last legs, so a new car purchase it was.

I remember the day like it was yesterday. The car salesmen asked me what I was looking for in a car. I responded with, "For sure A/C and I will take a radio if you have one, but not totally necessary." He looked at me like I was from a different planet. "Fortunately for you," he said, "those things are standard on all cars now." So I got more picky. "Ok," I responded, "then black for the color inside and out." A test drive and that long back and forth of "let me got talk to my manager about this" and I drove out of there with all I ever wanted - a black on black xterra with a/c, a radio with a CD player and the windows even went up and came back down.

The girls were coming into Austin that night from San Marcos and for sure I was driving. We hit the town playing our classics: Dr. Dre & Snoop dog. I remember feeling like now I was really an "adult". Of course that was short lived, because when I got the first bill for my first payment I just felt broke all over again!

Here's to you Ms. Nissan Xterra. Thank your for 100,000 miles. Maybe we'll get a car wash today ... or maybe John will take you :)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Tide or Cheer?

This weekend was a super productive weekend in the Pedersen Pad. John is traveling all week and then has "guys" weekend with a few friends from Chicago while I am heading to El Paso for my own "gals" weekend. We knew we had to spend this weekend getting on top of all that needed to be done. Not ones to ever loose focus, we wrote out our "to-do" list for the weekend on Friday. A raining Saturday greeted us, but did not deter. After all, we knew the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow would be college football watching, wing eating and a few cold brewskies.

One of these "to-do" was the grocery store. Now for those that know me best, know that I can talk myself out of going to the grocery store and settling for the selection at the local Exxon Tiger mart. However, there was no getting out of this one. We divided and conquered. John got fruit, while I pulled vegetables. He picked up the meats and I got the cheeses. All was going quite well until I asked John to get "Tide" while I got cereal. He came back with "Cheer". "Cheer," I asked, "Why did you get "Cheer"?" He just shrugged his shoulders.

Now, I did not grow up in a house of brand loyalty by any means, but when it came to laundry detergent there was a clear choice. My friend Stephanie always detested my use of Tide. She campaigned against the smell most of all. "All those fragrances that they put in to make them sell the product are no good for your skin," she would say. So ok, she had a valid point, but I still bought it.

So marriage is all about the compromise, I get it, but I am not sure that after 3 months of marriage I am ready to compromise on laundry detergent. This has never been an issue before? So I must let the question remain: Are we are "Cheer" house or a "Tide" house? What are you?

Stella at 6 Weeks!

Here are the latest pictures of Stella. Our breeder emailed me to tell me that, "She is incredibly smart and loves to stalk the grasshoppers and bugs, very playful. I love to watch her in action, her instincts are sharp."

We spent this weekend getting all of her supplies (boy, are pets expensive!) complete with a faux burberry collar. I couldn't resist! Also, we had new neighbors move in this weekend and they put up a fence (THANK YOU NEIGHBORS!), so we are going to add the side gates to enclose our backyard.